Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A gentle stroll.

Good morning all, last night was a little unusual with regards to seeing things, I got home and my better half and I thought it would be nice to take advantage of the evening sunshine and get out on the bikes.

We had a lovely ham salad, fruit and yoghurt and got out the mean machines. As usual my backside took a little while to acclimatise to the seat but it soon got more comfortable and we were away.

Out of the village and onto the next through the countryside admiring the lovely views heading towards our Pub stop. As always it amazes me that whatever direction you go the wind is in your face and as each incline arrives you begin to wonder why you thought it would be relaxing to come out on the bikes, however we arrive in Scratby and head towards the beach front to look at the fantastic views of the beach and the sea.

As we turn onto the cliff top my eye is taken by a couple walking along on top of the cliff holding a lead, nothing unusual about that I hear you say. Being the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier myself I thought bloody hell that's a small dog, but it wasn't a dog at all. It was a HEDGEHOG. Yes a hedgehog on a lead, out for a walk. As I and my partner swerved on our bikes through both laughter and disbelief we almost came a cropper ourselves.

We regained our composure and completed our journey but I have never seen a hedgehog out for a walk but I have seen a ferret out on a lead. I would be interested to hear of other strange things other people have seen out for a walk other than humans.

Philip Beckett
The Insurance Centre Limited.
01603 400755


Done a little research in to this and it seems as though the hedgehog are a fairly popular pet. In the United States the African Pygmy Hedgehog was (if only for a very brief time) the celebrity pet of choice .

Monday, 29 July 2013

Protect your Tools - Ooooh errrrrrr misses

Good afternoon all, how would you manage you Trades folk if you lost your Tools well we now have a solution for you, you can cover them for a reasonably small amount. Details of the cover is below so have a read. Premiums start at £40.00 to cover up to £1,000 of tools. We simply need to clarify a couple of points get your vehicle details then get you on cover. Have a read see what you think.

Tools Protect
What is Tools Protect?

Trades people rely on their tools to carry on their business. All too frequently, insurance for tools when in vehicles contains restrictions where the policy will only pay claims when vehicles are locked in a garage or secure compound. Trades people require cover when their vehicle is parked and locked on their drive, outside their house, or on site at customer premises.

Tools protect provides a tools in van insurance policy that protects the insured from having to find the money to replace tools should they find themselves in the unfortunate position that they are unable to work, due to the theft of tools from their van or the tools are damaged as a result of an accident involving the van.

By taking out tools in van insurance cover the insured will be safe in the knowledge that the
cost of replacing tools need not to be at their expense.

  • Up to £1,000, £2,500 or £5,000 (subject to premium paid) in the event that property belonging to you or for which you are responsible is lost, destroyed or damaged whilst being loaded upon, carried by,  temporarily housed upon or being unloaded from your vehicle.
  • Cover extends to such incidents occurring in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • Claims line – A 24/7 claims service
The policy does not cover:
  • Sheets, ropes, packing materials, securing chains or toggles, property warehoused for a rental or under contract for storage or distribution, money, securities, jewellery, watches, furs, cameras, radios, televisions, record players, cassette players or video or electrical equipment.
  • Goods carried for hire or reward.
  • Damage caused by inadequate packing.

Philip Beckett
01603 400755

Friday, 19 July 2013

Diary 19/07/2013

Good morning all, well what a very busy few days it's been hence my lack of blog but I am squeezing in a little offering for you today.

As I finished work last night and got off home I was looking forward to getting out of my work gear and into something a little more comfortable, getting my dinner down me and taking my Yorkshire Terrier Rubylu out for a walk on the beach with the better half.

We got onto the beach and, as usual, was greeted by many other dog walkers and their hounds getting the benefit of the lower temperatures and the fantastic beach on their doorstep.

Now putting on my Insurance hat, I wonder how many of those people Insure their dog? We do obviously, but I have a feeling that many do not risking a huge Vets bill for instance or your dog biting someone and you getting dragged into litigation.

So, if you do not have any cover then get onto our website and get yourself a quote you may be surprised how little it is. Get the pouche covered!


Philip Beckett Dip CII Cert PFS
The Insurance Centre Limited.
01603 400755

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Diary 09/07/2013.

Good afternoon all,

I have been a little pushed recently so my blogs have been a little thin on the ground but we are here again. It's the holiday season and I trust you have your Travel Insurance sorted?

My guess is that some of you will but a good majority won't and some will even contemplate going without any. To those people I would say don't be stupid you are risking so much for what can be a very reasonable cost. I find that you need to look at it in terms that for smaller incidents it is not particularly useful but for major incidents such as a medical emergency it is vital that you have cover. Think of the cost to you of your medical care or to fly you home without that cover in place.

It could wipe you out financially.

Another important thing when sorting out your cover is to be completely honest regards to any current illnesses or treatment you may be having or waiting to have. Most of the Insurers have a Medical Helpline so can run the details past them to make sure you know where the cover is in relation to your condition.

If you need a hand just call us here we can go through the details with you and in the majority of cases get you the cover you need.

Call us 01603 400755 Philip.

Philip Beckett Dip CII Cert PFS
The Insurance Centre Limited.
01603 400755