Friday, 31 May 2013

Diary 31/05/2013

Good lord the sun is shining and it's Friday that's two things to be thankful for today. We are still in a busy part of the year with plenty of new business and renewals to occupy our time.

I am focusing today a little on Liability Insurance for the Self Employed, so if you are a tradesman and need Liability Insurance for you and your business please call us on 01603 400755 and in most instances we can sort you out over the phone or you can call into our office and give us a look.

So why bother having the cover at all nothing will go wrong will it?

Probably not but are you willing to take the risk - Many of our policyholders are grateful they did have cover like the Plumber whose joints came adrift ( metal not bodily) in a top floor flat damaging that flat and the one below Insurers paid - £5000.00.

Or the Kitchen Installer whose kitchen leaked water into the walls over a number of years Insurers paid £25,000.

These are just a couple of examples but could you afford to pay the claim yourself I know I couldn't, so check out a cost for the cover with us I am sure you will be surprised as to the relatively low amount you may have to pay. Call 01603 400755 Philip. Open 09.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m each weekday and 09.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m on a Saturday.

Hope the weather stays fine for the weekend and catch you again on Monday.

Philip Beckett Dip CII Cert PFS
The Insurance Centre Limited.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Another Day Another Dollar

Good afternoon to you all,

It's been one of those days today when you seem to be running around busy but not quite getting there. I went to a very interesting Network event this morning looking at using "You Tube" to further your business and get it out to the masses. We here at The Insurance Centre Limited embrace Social Media through various forms including Twitter, Face book, Linkedin and Google Plus. This has proved very beneficial and gets us into the minds of the local populous and beyond promoting us and giving people faces to attach to the business.
The Seminar was organised by the excellent Best of Norwich who are a fantastic company well worth your attention.

I am aiming to get us more into these platforms in the future and am thinking of more innovative ways that I can improve our output and content. Please have a look at our sites and get involved.

Philip Beckett Dip CII Cert PFS
The Insurance Centre Limited.
01603 400755

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Diary 29/05/2013 Excesses

Good afternoon to you all, Today I would like to talk about policy excesses. Fantastic I hear you cry!

An excess will likely only become known to you when you need to claim on your insurance. It may come as somewhat of a shock if you were not prepared for or even aware that it existed at all. So let me try and help you, as brokers we point out the total excesses you have on your Motor Insurance Policy with us.

If you are undertaking a quote yourself you may have hidden away extra excesses that you are not fully aware of at the time you take out the policy on line etc.

On motor insurance there are generally two types of Excess.
  • Compulsory Excess
  • Voluntary Excess
Compulsory excesses are as the name suggests a compulsory excess charged by an insurer. Voluntary excesses also as the name suggests are (usually) optional and may result in a discounted premium.

Both the voluntary and compulsory excesses must be paid in the event of a claim which can cause the unsuspecting motorist out at a time when they are most vulnerable.

The moral of this tale is to use a Broker we will explain the cover to you and you can talk to us or visit our office to speak to the same person each time.

Philip Beckett Dip CII Cert PFS.
The Insurance Centre Limited.
01603 400755

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Diary 28/05/2013

Good morning all hope you had a great weekend.

I am back to it today always difficult after a nice weekend but Insurance waits for no man and we are straight in today with a range of Insurance quotes being required.

Insurance is one of those things people put to one side and forget until something happens then they race to the cupboard to find the paperwork or realise that they have NO insurance at all and are knackered. So take the time to read the policy details on your Insurances and more importantly get yourself some Insurance especially for your Home and Contents. We can quote normally over the phone very quickly and the cost may be a lot less than you think.

As we are local we can offer to visit our customers for Commercial Business Insurance enquiries so please do not hesitate to contact me for details.

01603 400755 Philip.
Philip Beckett Norwich_Broker

Friday, 24 May 2013

Diary 24/05/2013

Well what can you say as I stood filling up the car with fuel today it was bloody freezing just like a Winter's day. Hopefully it will be a better picture for the weekend and we can get out and get a bit of fresh air.

I am tidying up some files today and visiting a client regards to his fleet Insurance this morning. Talking of Fleets did you realise you don't need to have lots and lots of vehicles to have a Fleet Insurance policy, in fact consideration will be given to Business Fleets containing 3 or more vehicles. So if you are , for instance a Builder with 3 vans it is worth us looking at a Fleet quotation for you. Simply provide us with details of the vehicles/ cover/ No claims bonus in years on each vehicle and drivers details and we will have a go for you. At the very worst we can quote individually for you and may be save you money.

As you may be struggling to deal with your Broker or Insurer following a claim being sent round the world to have your car/ van repaired and your questions answered why not consider giving your local Broker here in Norwich a call for a quote and even consider, if the quote is close to your own or probably better coming and doing your Insurance here locally at The Boundary in Norwich. You can call in and see us , speak to the same person each time if you want. We are only a quick call or visit away, support us so we can support you. We are open on Saturday's from 09.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. and each weekday 09.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m.

Have a lovely weekend and I will be blogging again next week.

Philip Beckett
01603 400755

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Diary entry 23/05/2013 An Insurance Brokers Lot.

Good afternoon all, today is a fine example as to the daily diversity that happens during a working week.

Left home at 07.45 a.m.
Arrive work 08.20 a.m.

Following meetings yesterday first job is to get 5 emails drafted and sent to Claims departments to help client in recoveries against Third Parties. Claims departments vary in their assistance in dealing with claims some are very helpful and try to get the thing sorted and the client back on the road as soon as possible others do all they can to be awkward requiring all manner of details and have no regards to the client and his need to keep mobile and / or carry out his business. We are trying to put the client into a similar position as they were prior to claim but this can prove very tricky when negotiating with the claims departments. It is also true to say that clients need a realistic view also having to compromise on occasions to reach a conclusion. Fairness is a key word.

I do have to agree with clients that some Insurers cave in far to quickly in respect of paying out for injuries or damages to propety and a more robust defence or investigation would yield a good return on investment for Insurers. I do however understand that they constrained by the Law on many issues.
Next out to further meeting regards to collecting a renewal payment for a Catering Business then a Fleet enquiry and on site visit.

Back to office make some calls deal with some further issues , emails, more renewals and then retreat to a dark room and relaaaaaaaax.

How about a couple of jokes to cheer us all up:

What does a Lion have for breakfast? - Cheetabix
What does a vampire have for breakfast? - Readyneck

If the weather holds off tonight I may well treat myself by cutting the grass, what a glamorous life I live. If I do cut the grass I may well have to put on my thermals.

I f you need any help on your Commercial or Personal Insurance call me 01603 400755.

Philip Beckett
01603 400755

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Diary 22/05/2013

As an Insurance Broker I feel that a major part of our appeal is the ability to visit clients at their homes or place of work, this gives us an edge over Direct Writers who can't / won't visit anyone. We build a rapport with the customer and this in turn leads, hopefully, to a lasting business relationship and added value for the client who gets personal treatment and feels that he can turn to us for advice and help whenever he/ she needs.

We in turn get to see the risk first hand and to assess its good and bad points, discuss with the client the issues and benefits and offer help to improve the risk and deal with any problems before they occur.

These benefits are particularly useful to our Commercial business customers whom rely on their business to provide for their families etc so need cover to be first class and dealt with efficiently.   

We also give you help on your claims to get the process going and settled as soon as possible.

Today for instance after lunch I will be going off to Great Yarmouth to collect a clients renewal premium so he can carry on operating his Fish & Chip Shop. We'll discuss any changes etc with the minimum of disruption. Then I will be doing my weekly visit to a Taxi Insurance customer and assisting on his claims which as he has a number of vehicles hopefully will help him conclude the issues and get settlements and maintain his claims record which in turn helps to secure good renewal terms next year.

Philip Beckett @Norwich_Broker
01603 400755

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Fronting 21/05/2013

I thought you may be interested in  an article regards Fronting, that may give you some useful information when considering quotations for your little ones. There is no way around the initial cost to young drivers and in an attempt to cut corners you risk a great deal more.

Drivers risk invalidating insurance by ‘fronting’

More than two-thirds (70%) of UK drivers do not understand what it means to ‘front' an insurance policy and of those that understand what fronting is, there are one in five who admit to misleading their insurer and committing this kind of motor insurance fraud, according to research from the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) and Aviva.

Insurance ‘fronting' occurs when someone other than the main driver of a vehicle is incorrectly declared as the policy holder. An example of this would be a parent insuring a car and declaring themselves as the main driver in order to reduce the insurance premium, when in fact their son or daughter will be the main user of the vehicle. By doing this, motorists are committing fraud and under contract terms, could invalidate an insurance policy.

The research, which forms part of MIB's Stay Insured campaign and is aimed at drivers who may be vulnerable to driving without adequate insurance during the recession, also indicates that there is a disconnect between drivers' perceptions of fronting as a "white lie" versus the reality of it as a legal offence:
  • More than a third (35%) of drivers justify 'fronting' as being a loophole in the law
  • One in ten (10%) believe that ‘fronting' is a legitimate way of obtaining cheaper motor insurance
  • And only a third (30%) of motorists were able to correctly define the term 'fronting‘
 When presented with a definition of the term fronting 94% of those surveyed deem fronting an insurance policy to be socially unacceptable.

Ashton West, Chief Executive of MIB said: "There is a significant degree of confusion amongst drivers about the importance of giving accurate information about the main driver to an insurer. There is a need to help drivers understand and appreciate the importance of being adequately insured."

A costly "white lie" - The research also highlights confusion over responsibility for damages in the event of an accident. Under a valid insurance policy, the insurer will cover the policyholder's liability for injury and property damage for any other parties involved and if the cover is comprehensive, the damage to the policyholder's own vehicle. However, a third (31%) of drivers wrongly assume that they will be covered if the policy is 'fronted‘. In fact, where it is proven that a policy has been ‘fronted', insurance companies can refuse to pay out damages to the "insured" vehicle and may look to recover third party claim costs from the policyholder or driver.

West continues: "Insurance is about peace of mind and knowing that the cost of your liability on the road is covered. In the event that the driver of a fronted policy is involved in an accident, both the policyholder and the driver could be open to additional costs, penalties, fines and - potentially - prosecution. It simply isn't worth the risk. There are a number of hints and advice about how to stay insured legitimately at"

Nigel Bartram, motoring strategist at Aviva added: "Young drivers remain the age group with the highest proportion of insurance claims, accidents and fatalities on our roads, and this fact is reflected in their motor insurance premiums. Well meaning parents may consider fronting an insurance policy to try and save money, but this is false economy as those that try to cheat the system by declaring false information will find that their insurance is invalid when they actually need to make a claim on their policy.

"When parents are fronting up a young driver's policy it means the young driver is not fully declared and will not be able to accrue any no claims bonus of their own. It is important that insurers are covering the appropriate risk with the correct premium; otherwise this premium will have to be borne by other, honest customers."

Diary of an Insurance Broker

It's Monday morning at The Insurance Centre here in a very dull, weather wise,  Norwich.

As is usual for a Monday it's very busy with a varied mix of enquiries and issues ranging from Private Cars to Home Insurance. In the Commercial Business department we are busy arranging appointments to see clients regards to renewals due during next week and beyond and trying to promote our business and get new business enquiries.

An important factor with Insurance is gathering information. Being able to correct accurate information is essential to allow us to provide cover. On occasions we may need to ask, what seems, an excessive number questions. We are only trying to get the best premium and policy.

This has been one of the things that makes me angry regards to Insurance, many people seem to think that they have saved themselves a small fortune on their Car or Home Insurance for instance when in reality they have inaccurate policies or have huge excesses that they are totally unaware of which only come to light during a claim.

So, use a Broker we act as a safety net going through the information and working for you. Premium is not everything as clients will find out when they have claims and insurers either want extra money or reject their claim.